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The effect of beta-caryophyllene treatment in a murine model of Dravet syndrome

(Cannabinoides y síndrome de Dravet)

The effect of beta-caryophyllene treatment in a murine model of Dravet syndrome.

Timeline: 2 years.

Onintza Sagredo.

We want to assess, on the one hand, the acute effect of the beta-caryophyllene treatment on the occurrence of epileptic seizures and their duration in Dravet mice. On the other hand, the effect of chronic treatment on the motor and cognitive development of animals will also be assessed.

In addition, the biochemical processes and molecular mechanisms through which beta-caryophyllene is capable of producing beneficial effects in the short and long term will be studied.

Regarding the economic needs of the project:

€ 5,000 for histology, immunocytochemistry, cytometry and western studies (FLUOROJADE, primary and secondary antibodies), common reagents, drugs etc.

€ 2,000 for use of UCM Research Support Centers such as the cytometry center.

€ 2,000 for publication costs.

Fundraise: ayuda Celia Carrión Pérez de Tudela 6000€.

Entidades financiadoras

Fundación Mehue

Patrocinio de la Fundación Cajasol

The Apoyodravet Association (AD) central pillars are social innovation, patient-oriented technology and the promotion of research in the service of disease modification.

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