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The endocannabinoid system study in Dravet syndrome

(Cannabinoids and Dravet syndrome)

Timeline: 4 years.

Scientific groups: Professor Ignacio Lizasoain. Complutense University of Madrid, Professor Mauro Maccarrone. Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma. Dra. Laura García Bermejo. Instituto Ramón y Cajal de Investigación Sanitaria (IRYCIS).

Onintza Sagredo

The study will be carried out in a Dravet mouse model and the different phases of the project will be the following:

Regarding the economic needs of the project:

Cooperative Organizations

Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, IRYCIS.


Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (RTI2018-098885-B-100).

The Apoyodravet Association (AD) central pillars are social innovation, patient-oriented technology and the promotion of research in the service of disease modification.

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